We acknowledge funding from the following projects:
- FET-PROACTIVE Project “Dissipationless topological channels for information transfer and quantum metrology” (TOCHA) funded by the European Commission, Grant Agreement 824140.
- ERC Proof of Concept Project “Low-power non-volatile memory based on spin-orbit torque switching” (SOTMEM) funded by the European Research Council, Grant Agreement 899896.
- H2020 FET Graphene Flagship, within the Spintronics Workpackage, funded by the European Commission, Grant Agreement 881603
- Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, MINECO “Engineering the Spin and Thermoelectric Properties the Nanostructured Two-Dimensional Materials” (ENGINE2DM), PID2019-111773RB-I00
- MIT International Science and Technology Initiative Seed Fund – “la Caixa” Foundation, project “Anomalous Quantum Hall Edge States for Solid-State Qubit Manipulation”
- Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, MINECO, Severo Ochoa ICN2, SEV-2017-0706
- Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, MINECO, through M-ERA.NET call, “Functional 2D materials and heterostructures for hybrid spintronic-memristive devices” (2D-SPIN-MEM).
- the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) through award OSR-2018-CRG7-3717.