We review current challenges and perspectives in graphene spintronics, which is one of the most promising directions of innovation, given its room-temperature long-spin lifetimes and the ability of graphene to be easily interfaced with other classes of materials (ferromagnets, magnetic insulators, semiconductors, oxides, etc), allowing proximity effects to be harvested. Link to publication

Following the success of “Spin Current” (Oxford University Press) co-edited by S. Maekawa, S. O. Valenzuela, E. Saitoh, and T. Kimura, the book has been made available in paperback format (Link).

As announced at the International Conference of Magnetism (link), Marius has been awarded IUPAP Young Scientist Medals in the field of magnetism to recognize his outstanding work on spintronics during his PhD at the University of Groningen and his tenure at ICN2, in particular that associated to spin pumping and magnon dynamics. The Medals are presented every three years, at the International Conference on Magnetism. One medal is usually awarded for […]

The observation of the magnon drag ends a 50-year long effort to isolate this thermoelectric effect, which was predicted in analogy with the phonon drag. We used a unique device geometry, which resembles a thermopile, to discriminate the magnon drag from other thermoelectric effects. For more information follow the link or click on “Research”.

Dr. Juan F. Sierra awarded Beatriu de Pinos Fellowship. Juan´s project deals with spin torque and high-frequency magnetization dynamics of ferromagnets at the nanoscale. Learn more>

Our Spin precession research in suspended graphene has been published in Small       Electrical Detection of Spin Precession in Freely Suspended Graphene Spin Valves on Cross-Linked Poly (methyl methacrylate) I. Neumann1, J. Van de Vondel, G. Bridoux, M. V. Costache, F. Alzina, C. M. Sotomayor Torres, S. O. Valenzuela, Small, (2012) Link to the publication

Prof. Valenzuela has been awarded an ERC Starting Grant to exploring the spin physics at the boundaries of materials with strong spin-orbit interaction. See ERC Starting Grans list

Our Magnon drag research work has been published recently in Nature Materials   Magnon-drag thermopile M.V. Costache, G. Bridoux, I. Neumann and S.O. Valenzuela, Nature Materials, 11, 199, (2012) Link to the publication